Academic Supervisor
Deputy Dean
Deputy Dean for Research
Deputy Dean
Visiting Specialist, Assistant Dean for IT
First Deputy Dean
Deputy Dean for Admissions and Alumni Relations
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Associate Professor
Visiting Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
- 06.51.00 Мировое хозяйство. Международные экономические отношения
- 06.52.00 Экономическое развитие и рост. Прогнозирование и планирование экономики. Экономические циклы и кризисы
- 06.81.00 Экономика и организация предприятия. Управление предприятием
- 11.00.00 Политика. Политические науки
- 16.00.00 Языкознание
- 44.00.00 Энергетика
- 70.00.00 Водное хозяйство
- 72.00.00 Внешняя торговля
- 82.00.00 Организация и управление
- 83.00.00 Статистика
Visiting Lecturer
Assistant Professor, Leading Research Fellow
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Assistant Professor
Senior Research Fellow
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Specialist
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Research Professor
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
- methodology of Oriental Studies
- 12.51.00 Методика и техника исследовательской работы
- 18.67.00 Кино. Киноискусство
- 18.67.10 Общекультурное и идейно-воспитательное значение киноискусства
- 18.67.28 Психология киноискусства и психология кинозрителя
- 81.95.01 Общие вопросы технической эстетики, художественного конструирования, дизайна
- Cross-cultural Multimedia Didactics
- design method
- distant and blended learning
- experimental design
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Specialist, Editor
Associate Professor
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Centre for Comprehensive European and International Studies (CCEIS)
Deputy Director, Research Fellow
Senior Research Fellow, Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Leading Research Fellow, Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Deputy Director
Deputy Director
Deputy Director
Deputy Director
Academic Supervisor
Junior Research Fellow
- Russian economy
- 06.00.00 Экономика. Экономические науки
- 06.51.25 Мировое экономическое развитие. Глобальные проблемы экономики
- 06.77.65 Внутренняя и международная миграция рабочей силы
- Econometric modeling of social and economic proceses
- cross-country analysis
- financial markets
- macroeconomics
- migration
- remittances
Junior Research Fellow
Leading Research Fellow, Senior Research Fellow
Leading Research Fellow
CCEIS International Economic Research Department
Joint Department with RAS Institute of Oriental Studies
Deputy Department Head, Senior Lecturer
- 03.20.00 История Казахстана
- 03.21.00 История Киргизии
- 03.24.00 История Таджикистана
- 03.25.00 История Туркмении
- 03.26.00 История Узбекистана
- 03.91.00 История отдельных стран
- 11.15.69 Политическая роль вооруженных сил
- 11.15.91 Политические системы отдельных стран
- 11.25.09 История международных отношений
- 11.25.31 Проблемы войны и мира
- 11.25.40 Региональные проблемы
- 11.25.41 Международный терроризм
- 11.25.45 Нации и национально-освободительные движения как субъекты международных отношений
- 23.00.00 Комплексное изучение отдельных стран и регионов
Department Head, Professor
Associate Professor
Laboratory Assistant
Associate Professor
Centre for African Studies
Deputy Director
Deputy Director
Research Assistant
Leading Expert
Leading Expert
School of International Affairs
Deputy Head, Professor
Deputy Head, Associate Professor
Department Head, Professor
Visiting Lecturer
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
- EU migration policy
- EU policy towards Central Asia
- European Union
- HIV/AIDS policy
- Russian migration policy
- critical development studies
- development policy
- expert knowledge
- global health governance
- global migration governance
- international organizations
- migration policy in Central Asia
- practice turn in International Relations
- regional migration governance
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Research Fellow
Research Professor
Associate Professor
Visiting Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
Associate Professor
Research Fellow
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
- Arctic policy
- Arctic strategy
- Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB), Northern Sea Route (NSR), new infrastructural projects and privatization of energy sectors
- Geopolitics of the global energy transition
- Governance of the global energy order
- Russia-China energy relations
- Russian and Northern American perspectives of LNG export on global market
- Russian energy and transportation development projects in the Arctic and in East Asia
- energy policy
- energy politics
- energy relations
- the Russian gas strategy and projects
School of World Economy
School Head, Associate Professor
Academic Supervisor, Professor
Deputy School Head, Associate Professor
Visiting Lecturer
Associate Professor
Visiting Lecturer
- Russian economy
- 06.00.00 Экономика. Экономические науки
- 06.51.25 Мировое экономическое развитие. Глобальные проблемы экономики
- 06.77.65 Внутренняя и международная миграция рабочей силы
- Econometric modeling of social and economic proceses
- cross-country analysis
- financial markets
- macroeconomics
- migration
- remittances
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
- 06.51.77 Экономическая интеграция
- 06.51.87 Международные финансы
- 06.73.55 Банки
- 06.73.65 Финансовое посредничество. Страхование. Сберегательное дело
- Banking regulation
- Banks and banking systems
- Basel III
- Central banks
- Financial Stability Board
- Global (G-SIBs) and Domestic (D-SIBs) systemically important banks
- Macroprudential policy and regulation
- Russian banking system
- Stress resilience of banks and banking systems
- financial stability
- globalization
- systemic risks
Visiting Lecturer
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
- 06.00.00 Экономика. Экономические науки
- 06.71.63 Экономика природопользования и охраны окружающей среды
- 06.81.45 Себестоимость. Рентабельность. Прибыль. Ценообразование на предприятии
- 31.01.75 Экономика, организация, управление, планирование, прогнозирование
- 38.53.21 Месторождения нефти, газа и конденсата
- 38.57.19 Поиски, разведка и оценка месторождений нефти, газа и конденсата
- 52.01.75 Экономика, организация, управление, планирование, прогнозирование горной промышленности
- 61.51.00 Переработка природных газов, нефти и газового конденсата
- 73.39.75 Экономика, организация, управление, планирование и прогнозирование на трубопроводном транспорте
Visiting Lecturer
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
- 06.58.49 Эффективность производства. Производительность
- 06.58.51 Издержки производства. Ценообразование. Ценовая политика
- 06.73.45 Денежное обращение. Инфляция
- 06.75.61 Экономическая эффективность производства, фондоотдача
- 06.81.45 Себестоимость. Рентабельность. Прибыль. Ценообразование на предприятии
- 06.81.85 Учет и отчетность. Анализ хозяйственной деятельности предприятия
- 72.25.35 Международные товарные биржи
- 82.33.15 Анализ. Прогнозирование
- 83.03.05 Статистический анализ
Visiting Lecturer
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Junior Research Fellow, Visiting Lecturer
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Professor, Chief Research Fellow
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
Associate Professor
Visiting Lecturer
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Research Fellow
Associate Professor
Institute for Global Military Economics and Strategy
Laboratory for Contemporary Iranian Studies
Laboratory Head
Research Fellow
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Fellow
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Research Assistant
Laboratory for Economics of Climate Change
Laboratory Head
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Research Assistant
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Junior Research Fellow
Curriculum Support for HSE and Kyung Hee University Double Degree Programme in Economics and Politics in Asia
School of Asian Studies
Head of the School, Professor
Deputy Head of the School, Associate Professor
- Chinese language
- Cultural and spiritual factors in international relations
- Cultural diplomacy of East Asian countries
- Diasporas in Asia, Asian diasporas worldwide
- Foreigners in China, Chinese communities in the foreign countries
- History of Siberia and Russian Far East
- Identities and self-determination of nations in Asia
- International relations and security in East and Central Asia (second half of the 19th - the early 21st centuries)
- Language factor in intercultural and interethnic contacts
- Russia and Asia's transborder contacts
- Russia’s foreign policy and diplomacy in East Asia
- Sociopolitical, economic and humanitarian development of China and Mongolia
- Strategic and business culture of East Asian countries
- intercultural communication
Deputy Head, Senior Lecturer
- 16.00.00 Языкознание
- 16.01.17 Международное сотрудничество в области языкознания
- 16.31.00 Прикладное языкознание
- 16.31.41 Лингвистические вопросы перевода
- 16.41.39 Семито-хамитские языки
- Arabic Language
- Maltese language and culture
- applied linguistics
- communicative linguistics
- comparative linguistics
- crosscultural communication
- culture-oriented linguistics
- methods of teaching Arabic Language
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Visiting Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Senior Lecturer
- 02.41.00 Социальная философия
- 02.41.51 Личность, массы и общество
- 03.00.00 История. Исторические науки
- 03.61.00 Этнография и историческая антропология
- 03.61.91 Этнография отдельных стран и народов
- 03.91.00 История отдельных стран
- 16.31.00 Прикладное языкознание
- 16.31.41 Лингвистические вопросы перевода
- 16.31.51 Лингвистические вопросы преподавания языков
- 16.41.00 Языки мира
- 16.41.53 Китайско-тибетские языки
- Chinese philosophy
- approaches to teaching a foreign language
- cross-cultural communication
- ethnography
- historical science
- linguistics
- pedagogy
Visiting Lecturer
- 03.00.00 История. Исторические науки
- 05.31.19 История населения стран Азии
- 11.07.75 Экономические проблемы политики
- 13.09.00 История культуры. История изучения культуры
- 20th century China
- 21.15.00 Отдельные религии, церкви и культы
- 21.41.67 Религия и проблема человека
- Chinese culture
- East Asia
- Russia-China relations
- business in China
- history of China
Senior Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Visiting Lecturer
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Senior Lecturer
- 05.00.00 Демография
- 05.41.00 Расселение населения. Географическая демография
- 06.77.65 Внутренняя и международная миграция рабочей силы
- 15.21.45 Психология деятельности и поведения. Психология мотивации
- 15.21.51 Психология личности
- 15.31.31 Детская и юношеская психология
- 15.41.39 Психология общения. Процессы коммуникации
- 16.41.53 Китайско-тибетские языки
Visiting Lecturer